Putnam County Library will offer a reading program this summer. Sign-ups begin June 1 and participants will read through July 31.
A prize will be given to all readers who sign up and additional incentive prizes for younger readers whenever they come to the library to get more books during the course of the program. Three county-wide grand prizes will be awarded for the easy reader, chapter book reader and teen reader with the most books read. Each branch of the library will also host a Summer Reading wrap-up party for all participants who turn in their reading log. Parties will be held the first week of August.
The Library will be hosting the following programs throughout the summer. More programs may be added so make sure to follow the Library on social media and check out the Library's website. Summer programs include:
June 18: 10 a.m., Joey Stepp, magician at the Main Library
June 18: 2 p.m., Cinema Saturday, "Big Hero 6" at the Main Library
June 20: 10 a.m., Ronald McDonald at the Buffalo Branch Library
June 20: 1 p.m., Ronald McDonald at the Poca Branch Library
June 22: 10 a.m., Birds of Prey at the Main Library
June 29: 10 a.m., Bright Star Theatre Company at the Main Library
July 7: 10 a.m., Mind/Body Balance with local high school and college athletes at the Main Library
July 11: 5:30 p.m., Mark Wood Fun Show at the Main Library
July 16: 2 p.m., Cinema Saturday, "Inside Out," at the Main Library
For more information about this and other upcoming events, follow the Putnam County Library on Facebook, Twitter, at putnam.lib.wv.us or call the Main Library at 304-757-7307, or any of the branch libraries of Putnam County: Buffalo, 304-937-3538; Eleanor, 304-586-4295; Hurricane, 304-562-6711; or Poca, 304-755-3241.