WINFIELD - Putnam County commissioners voted Tuesday to again contribute to the county's oldest festival.
The 88th annual Putnam County Homecoming will take place Sept. 9-10 in Winfield.
Commissioners voted Tuesday to again donate funding for the entertainment stage and porta potties for the homecoming event, which organizers said has been strapped for cash.
Patty Ashworth, chairwoman of the Putnam County Homecoming, told commissioners that budget cuts and other financial hardships have prevented some organizations and businesses - some regular contributors to the event - from donating this year.
"Unfortunately we didn't get the support from businesses here in the county that we hoped that we might, but we have been able to get some corporate sponsorship," she said. "For the last year or two we've had inflatables for the kids. That's been a joint expense between the fire department and the committee. This year unfortunate, due to budget cuts, the fire department can't afford that. It has been such a popular event, so we're trying to work that out."
Dutch Miller has donated $1,000 for the winner of Putnam Has Talent and an anonymous donor has donated $1,000 to go toward a scholarship for the winner of Miss Putnam County, Ashworth said.
Ashworth and Winfield Mayor Randy Barrett asked commissioners to consider donating funding to go toward the inflatables. Barrett said the inflatable rental fee is $700 and there is also a $500 fee for the necessary electrical cords.
Commissioners tabled the discussion for the next meeting, requesting more information on the companies used for inflatables.
Barrett said the committee will have nearly $10,000 in its budget to host the festival - part of which is a $3,000 grant the committee has been awarded form the state.
"We're trying to build some up," he said. "We would like to keep a little bit of money every year."
Ashworth said the committee has several new events and entertainment lined up for the Homecoming event - which they hope will be a big draw.
Appalachian Boarding Company will be on site to offer stand-up paddle board and kayak races, as well as a "friendly float" for those who do not want to compete.
Popular entertainment acts such as Landau Eugene Murphy and the Martin Luther King Male Chorus also will perform, she said.
Ashworth said the committee still is accepting registration forms for the Putnam Has Talent competition, open to anyone willing to share their talent with a panel of judges. Registration forms can be found on the Putnam County Homecoming website.
Commissioners also signed the county's ATV ordinance Tuesday, officially enacting the ordinance they voted to approve at the last meeting.
Under the ordinance, individual home owners associations from county subdivisions can vote to petition the county commission to enact the ordinance within subdivision boundaries.
County attorney Larry Frye told commissioners that the Forrest Park subdivision in Poca already has submitted an application to enact the ordinance.
Commissioners said they will ask Kevin Cheshire, president of the subdivision's home owners association, to attend a future meeting before approving the application.
Sheriff Steve Deweese asked commissioners Tuesday to approve the donation of a police cruiser to the Putnam County Board of Education.
The cruiser, a 2010 Ford Explorer, will be donated to a criminal justice program for students to use as they gain hands-on learning experience in the field of law-enforcement.
Superintendent John Hudson attended the meeting and told commissioners the cruiser would allow students in the county's vocational-tech school to get "real-world experiences."
"We already purchased a simulator for them. This just brings the simulator to life for the students," Hudson told the commissioners. "I'm so proud of the support from the community of the school system here."
Commissioners voted to approve the donation of the vehicle, which Deweese said has already been "de-striped" and cleared out in anticipation of the donation.
The next Putnam County Commission meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 24.
Reach Carlee Lammers at, 304-348-1230 or follow @CarleeLammers on Twitter.